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Homage to Jordi Garcia Orellana

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On May the 5th, a commemorative act took place in the Science Faculty at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona to remember Dr. Jordi Garcia Orellana’s professional life in this university. Speakers with whom Jordi had interacted during his career were invited to share their feelings, experiences and anecdotes from their personal perspective. There were more than 250 attendees, including his wife and daughters, parents, family, friends, as well as members of the academic community, students, professors and administrative staff. Jordi, with his natural cheerfulness and generosity, was one of the best scored professors on the faculty. He was a member of the board of directors at the Institut de Ciència I Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB) and had also been a coordinator for Environmental Sciences degree and teacher of a number of subjects, mainly related to applied physics in the environmental sciences using radioactivity as a tool. Jordi had been leading research projects since his return from a postdoctoral stay at SUNY (State University of New York). He will be profoundly missed. Sit tibi terra levis.

Dr. Valentí Rodellas conducting the act (Photo: Lluís Casas).

Attendees getting into the faculty hall (Photo: Lluís Casas).

Published On: May 26th, 2023

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